October 2023 Proposed Plans for the New Fauntleroy Ferry Terminal
At our November 16 meeting, Justin Hirsch, chair of the Vashon Ferry Advisory Committee, presented the options being considered for the new Fauntleroy Ferry Terminal. You can read the document here.
Justin reviewed them all in the meeting, giving his opinions on each of them. You can see his presentation here, beginning at 57.4 minutes into the recording. https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/5oKGDIDiNjnincrCrjq2gWbpLqFhbKzZEdiTjh-qU6FsdfMQYq42cOHwqqo6I7rl.9UTdhlTUj91erNbI
Passcode: !e3LcH+5
Service Restoration Plan
January, 2024: With limited vessel availability, WSF will be unable to operate full service until new vessels are constructed and delivered. [T]he first new vessel likely won’t enter service until 2028.
The latest information on progress to restore service based on vessel and crew availability.
Progress reports and updates: Rider updates | WSDOT (wa.gov)
Service Restoration Plan released in January, 2024 https://wsdot.wa.gov/travel/washington-state-ferries/rider-information/rider-updates
WSF Weekly Update
Weekly newsletter Assistant Secretary Patty Rubstello sends out each Thursday sharing news and announcements from around the ferry system.
Customer Information
How to subscribe to route alerts, see the latest service bulletins and sailing schedules, find cameras and real-time vessel departures/locations.
Social Media
WSF social media accounts with posts on systemwide ferry system updates. NOTE: WSF does not follow private community groups on Facebook.
WSF website: Washington State Ferries | WSDOT
Fauntleroy Terminal Replacement Project: SR 160 - Fauntleroy Terminal - Trestle & Transfer Span Replacement | WSDOT (wa.gov)
Community meetings and FAC contacts: Community participation | WSDOT (wa.gov)
FERRY Advisory Committee
Justin Hirsch, Chair Rachel Rome
Wendy Aman
2024 Meetings:
January 17th (3rd Wednesday due to room availability). FAC meeting 7-8:30 pm
January 17: WSF is also holding a Virtual meeting for the public at 12:30 pm
January 18th - WSF is also holding a Virtual meeting for the public, at 6pm
March 27th
May 22nd
July 17th (3rd Wednesday due to room availability).
September 25
November 20th (3rd Wednesday due to Thanksgiving)
Location: On Zoom and at the Land Trust Building
Time: 7-8:30 pm
To obtain more info, please contact Justin Hirsch at VashonFAC@gmail.com
A working group convened by the Vashon-Maury Chamber of Commerce
WSF Fauntleroy Terminal Project
the next Community Advisory Group (CAG) meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 7, 2024, from 6-8 p.m. on Zoom. If you would like a copy of the agenda, or listen in, submit a request to FauntleroyTermProj@wsdot.wa.gov As the date becomes closer, there will be more info published on the WSF project website: