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December 15, 2022

Vote on Addition to the Ferry Advisory Committee (Wendy Aman was elected), vote passed on a resolution to increase passenger only ferry service until the 3 boat service is restored, Postal Service problems and ways we can help

November 21, 2022

Concerns about the truck by the cemetery and dangerous roads were discussed with the Sheriff's Dept and King County Roads. John Vezina from Washington State Ferries said we could be back on a 3 boat system by February. We voted to move our meetings to Thursdays. We agreed to have a land acknowledgment.

October 17, 2022

Justin Hirsh of the Ferry Advisory Committee (FAC) reported about the Fauntleroy Terminal Project. Eric Pryne and Wendy Noble of the Vashon Health Care District updated the Council regarding the state of negotiations between Sea-Mar and the District regarding a continuing relationship. General business was conducted.

October 3, 2022

David Vogel reported that KC dept. of Services has completed the process of supplying 9 garbage cans for the business sections of Vashon. Discussion regarding an open position on the ferry advisory board. General Business.

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